
Good news and bad news! Let’s go for bad first. 

Price increase – classes will now be £11 per class- this is to cover increasing costs….

However, you can now book and pay online for the classes I run myself!

You can do this via Yogaclassnearyou just search SW17 and click on Yoga life with Harri, you can see the class schedule and choose to pay per class (£11) or buy a 5 class pass (£50) which is valid for two months from date of purchase. 
Of course you can still pay in person with cash but booking online ensures your place and helps give me an idea of numbers 😊


Trouble Sleeping?

Does sleep seem illusive? Are you lying awake watching the time go by, getting closer and closer to the time you need to get up? Well you’re not alone! I personally struggle with sleep problems but it’s something I am working on. Increasingly friends and students are asking me how to cope with insomnia.

3 main issues seem to be:IMG_3775

  • Falling asleep
  • Frequent waking or nightmares
  • Having slept but waking up exhausted

Sleep is becoming more and more challenging for many of us as our lives become busier and more stressful and our lifestyles more sedentary. Technology increasingly invades every aspect of our lives. There is less and less time to stop, unwind and process our day as we are constantly bombarded with emails, texts, photos, games, social media… need I go on?

We should all know the general guidelines for healthy sleep;

  • Avoid using technology or anything with a blue light for 1hr before bed
  • Make sure the environment is calm and clutter free
  • Take a warm bath
  • Sleep t regular times / create routine
  • Cut down on caffeine and smoking
  • Write a to do list for the next day to feel prepared and reduce anxiety

However even if we get all these things right, sleep can be hard to come by.

So…. Can yoga help?img_7943

Practicing yoga techniques before bed can be very helpful. Here are some options you can choose from. Or better yet try them all! One of the most important aspects is making sure you create a regular routine, 5 mins everyday is better than 1hr every now and then.

  1. Do some gentle asana practice followed by yoga nidra (video coming soon)
  2. Meditation or mindfulness practices.
    • Benefits include, stress reduction,self awareness, acceptance and calming the nervous system.
    • Sit or lie in a comfortable position and begin to focus on the breath. Notice any thoughts that come into the mind and let them go. Accept you having this thought – no judgements – no critisisms – just allow it to pass without getting caught up in it and refocus on the breath. The idea is to practice noticing when you get distracted and returning to the concentration.
    • Start with a short amount of time and work up, even just a minute if you have never practiced mindfulness before.
  3. Another technique (which is not really yoga) is to write 3 pages in a journal – it doesn’t matter what it is that you write, just get everything out – don’t over think it, its a stream of consciousness. I first started doing this as ‘Morning pages’ as described here Morning Pages However I have found that doing this just before bed is IMG_0216really helpful to ’empty’ the head. I have found it interesting to do the practice before bed and in the morning as it can be amazing to see the shift in perspective after sleep.

Do you have any other strategies that help you?



Happy New Year!! Update


Hello, it’s been a while since I last posted here!

I’ve been slacking with my blog writing, well actually I’ve been writing them just not typing them up.

Any way I hope you’ve all had a lovely break over the holidays and are ready to begin a new year with some positive yogi vibes. Classes have restarted and its great to see all my returning students and fingers crossed I’ll be meeting a whole bunch of new people to share the yoga

journey with.

img_0181The past 5 months have been a bit of a whirlwind, I sometimes get caught up in the whole, I’m not a good enough teacher, I’ll never be able to make this work, cycle… but then I realise its been only a matter of months since I qualified! I have set up 3 of my own classes, (which are growing via work of mouth), a regular studio slot, 2 online classes, cover classes and I can be hired for private or duo classes… In reality it is an amazing achievement! Not forgetting I have also completed my prenatal and mum and baby training and will be starting the first module of my 500hrs qualification in February (Anatomy)

My next steps? I am currently looking into venues for more classes and am contactingimg_0820 some interesting people about possible collaborative projects… watch this space. I am also trying to organise my time better so that I can bring you regular content and some resources to use at home.

I’ll end here by asking you to think about intentions rather than resolutions this year. I resolution can be rigid and difficult to stick to as they usually don’t come about natural

ly. Allow yourself to work on intentions which arise naturally when you listen to your body and reduce the chatter in the mind.


Harri xx